15-Second MMD animation:
“Smash Walkin'”
I’ve got no excuse.
This started out to be a 15-second animation showing Rin walking through the school. I loaded Rin and added that Mahlazer walking motion … then I added that school stage (credits are below). I customized the Rin model by adding a motherbone... so I could use Mahlazer’s “walking in place” and move Rin across the courtyard.
Then… I found out that, in only 450 frames, she could not walk very far. So… change of plan: I had her walking across that courtyard… not very exciting… So I decided to add Miku and Neru who would swivel their upper-body and head bones to watch Rin as she walked by. … still, not very exciting.
I needed “something” to liven things up…
So, I added the hammer…
… not very exciting… … until the last moment!
A new meme??
Violent, right? … Ehhh… not so much, really. … Funny? … makes ME laugh! I think that as long as they stay “fun”… there can be a lot of creativity, here. Just don’t make ’em splashy-graphic! The “fun” will be gone. Keep ’em simple and clean.
Those are the original models included in the MMD 9.31 download… except I did add a motherbone to Rin.
The hammer is smilecat98‘s “MMD Super Smash Bros. Hammer” found here: http://smilecat98.deviantart.com/art/…
The music is a much chopped-up bit of a piano riff I found on a “free music” site a few years ago… sorry I cannot leave a credit. That saved bit was already 15-seconds long… all I did was load it and smile. You can download that riff: https://learnmmd.com/wp-content/uploa…
The stage is Harner Productions “MMD inside of School” DEVIANT USER: ShikaneNara
Have fun with MikuMikuDance!
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