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PMXEditor PMXInfo Analyzing Optimizing MMD Models

Have you ever downloaded or made your own model and opened it up, only to see a garbled mess on your frames and facials? Your MMD might even lag or crash. Many people don’t clean up their models after editing them together, making it difficult to use. Today, I’m showing a way that you can find most problematic errors in your model and how to correct them with PMXEditor.

Optimizing MMD Models using PMXEditor PMXinfo

First of all, you should get Inochi-PM’s newest version of PMXEditor, fully translated with many useful plugins, it can be found on the LearnMMD download page. It will make cleaning a lot easier.

Now, open up the problematic model in PMXE. Then, go to File>PMXInfo on the smaller window, and a new window should open up.

Based on the errors you get, I’m going to categorize this article, so it’ll be easier to find the specific fix you need.


Model Information









(This should only be used for models for MMM/MikuMikuMoving, MMD doesn’t support this)

Cleaning Up…

After this, you’ll need to get rid of the excess display frames and translate the model.

The only display panes you need are:


And optionally:


So, delete everything that isn’t listed here or is a duplicate. You might need to recheck PMXInfo after this since some bones might be misplaced.

To translate the model, go to Edit>Batch Name Editor. At the top should be a drop-down box, you would need to translate the bones, facials, and display frames:

After selecting a section, use Edit>Japanese Name to English Name (Use Dictionary) to automatically fill in some of the English names from the PMXE directory. You might need to do some of those manually since not everything is named perfectly. Google translate should help with that!

SAVE model with a new name…

You’re all done at this point! Be sure to save your model as a separate file so you can go back to the old one in case anything goes wrong.

Optimize your downloaded models…

Remember, before using a model, fix errors with PMXInfo and rename things to English for easier use!

Have fun with MikuMikuDance!


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