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Reintroducing cute REM Hatsune Miku 10th in Hello, how are you?

REM Hatsune Miku 10th model links on

Where can I download REM Hatsune Miku 10th for MMD? Where can I download the “Hello, how are you?” motion and WAV files? How can I customize my animation when I am using downloaded motion files?

REMmaple’s REM Hatsune Miku 10th
starring in “Hello, how are you?”

REMmaple created REM Hatsune Miku 10th back in 2017 to celebrate Miku’s tenth anniversary as she was turning 16 years old, again! Hatsune Miku was released upon the world in 2007 as the mascot of the Sony/Yamaha/SEGA product: Vocaloid. She is designed to be a 16-year-old singing android. Like Charlie Brown and the rest of the “Peanuts” gang, Hatsune Miku will never age: she is 16 years old… … forever!

I just discovered this beautiful model while clicking around on YouTube this week.

What a beautiful model! 

She works so well with this 2011 motion-file set that I used. I changed nothing in that “Hello” motion data file and this model ran through its paces without a hitch; unless you object to that one instance where her skirt catches on her hand revealing her pantsu, but I couldn’t complain about that!

DOWNLOAD REMmaple’s REM Hatsune Miku 10th model. (

For this video, I used my latest mix of shaders, lighting and effects to bring out the model’s full potential.

I add SSAO to get a nice depth of color in the whole scene. I turned-off Ground Shadow and then worked, a bit, with Self-Shadow and also turned-on Fshadow (upper right corner of the MMD GUI) which smooths-out the rough/choppy shadows that Self-Shadow can produce. (Users warn that Fshadow is computer power intensive, so don’t turn it on until you are done creating your animation.)

I use MME to Set-Effect to the entire model with Real Material Shader. Then I go into Subset-Extract and change the face and skin to Feal Figure Shader – dark. These shaders work to add a powerful 3D effect to your model that I find so much better than using just SSAO alone… and without the hassle of using RAY-MMD.

The model’s transparent sleeves went opaque when I applied Real Material Shader. I then tried them with Real Figure Shader but I did not like the texture they acquired with that shader, so I removed the effects from the sleeves… and the EYES, too. With either of the two effects turned-on, the eyes went dark, so I left the eyes with no effect applied. NOW they are often a bit too bright and I was thinking I could recolor the eye’s texture image with a darker shade of white, but I did not do it.

Hello, how are you? … Halo/Hawayu

This set of motion files has been around since 2011. I enjoy using it because the motion, like the WAV music, is gentle and pleasant. Many of these early MMD motions are hectic and crazy featuring a model blasting through a calisthenic-like dance exercise routine. But “Hello” is fairly calm and fun to watch as we see so many beautiful poses and motions along the way.

I translated the README and found these simple notes:

Thank you for downloading Halo/Hawayu MMD Motion.

Description of motion
This time, Mr. Animasa’s kite model with Debi Saku-sama’s motion
Mayuki-sama’s motion was traced with the Love Shiki Miku ver1.1 model.
Please note that adjustments may be required when using other models.

Also, the sound source is matched by Debi Saku
Original song by Miku by Nanou (Hoehoe P)
Adjustment is required when matching with m(_ _)m

Please do not disturb the motion source, sound source, or each person concerned.
Please feel free to reuse, modify, or distribute the modified motion data at your own risk.

2011/10/8 Up main @Occhi


This routine is just short of five minutes long. And each time I watch my video I think “There’s another five minutes of my life that I won’t be getting back!” … but even so, the dance action is very nice, in this case the model is pretty awesome, and the music is fun and memorable. I like it.

There are several sources from which you can DOWNOLAD the “Hello” Motion Files. I chose that one because I have tested the links and they work.

You will see that there are only two dance motion files. I am not sure how to use the two of them. I just picked one. I used the one (Rin) without making any changes or adjustment.

THERE IS NO CAMERA motion file. For my animation, I spent about five hours creating camera motions for this five-minute routine! I have created a motion file for you to download. It’s a zip folder with no ReadMe in it. Feel free to use it and make changes to it. Please Credit Me when you do use it. Please link to this page when you share the link to that Camera motion file so that users can read this entire article. Thank you… have fun with it!

Remember that your MMD camera can
go places that a stage crew cannot!

“With great power comes great responsibility.” Have fun with your camerawork but don’t embarass yourself! Your MMD camera can be anywhere at any moment of your animation. Have fun with it… zoom-in close and then far; look down from above and up from below: mind your manners!

Hello, how are you?.. why does it start like that?

I have played with this motion set several times over the years and I have often wondered why it starts the first hundred (?) frames with the model holding her hands over her face. I can only guess that the original video made use of that pose, but for me, I tend to point the camera somewhere else (as in my test video, here) until it’s safe to look! The music starts to play before the model’s hands are down, so I just look away.

The TrueCamera Effect gives depth-of-focus and motion blur.

I have often used the SvDOF effect to get a controlled depth of focus allowing for a very realistic stage scene. But these days I have switched over to using the True Camera Effect. With TrueCamera, you pick a bone on a model, or even a dummy-bone somewhere onstage, upon which the camera will stay focused. I attached the TrueCamera to my model’s head and so she is always in sharp focus while elements of the scene farther back are in soft focus. With SvDOF, you need to “be on it” as you make camera moves and cuts, but with TrueCamera, the focus stays upon your model.

KiraKira-SparkleV2 gives background action…

KiraKira-SparkleV2 gives you colored “sparkles” that fly across and behind your scene. Many optins for colors are available and you can adjust the parameters in the Accessory Manipulation panel to get just the look you like.

In my video, the KiraKira-Sparkle suffers a bit from my TrueCamera effect’s soft focus, yet I like that softer look and it’s being soft focus makes it a bit less distracting from the dancer’s performance.

I use KiraKira-Sparkle to add some life to the whole scene… it’s a bit of clutter and eye-candy that fills an otherwise empty sky.

The stage: Trackdancer’s LearnMMD Stage

I love this stage that Trackdancer made for us, here, at

Be sure to read the setup instructions included with that Stage download. The download also includes that skydome “Space Dome” with the dark sky and soft stars.


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