Hi! Reggie forwarded me a few questions from readers having to do with some problems that people often have when starting to learn PMXE. One reader writes,
When I load the finished model into Miku Miku Dance it changes the base of the model to white.
Another writes,
I add a necklace to my model but when I went to MMD it didn’t move with the body.
If this is happening, don’t worry! It happens to everybody, and it’s easy to fix. It just requires learning a little bit about PMXE.
What happened to the textures?
When Teto imported the dress into her model file, not everything came with it. That’s because parts of the dress are textures. PMXE needs to know where to find these files. When you import one model into another one, PMXE no longer knows where to look. You have to copy the textures from the old model’s folder into the new model’s folder.
Copying textures from imported models in PMXE
If you’re not sure what to copy, you can probably get away with copying everything. But you can look at the PMXE materials tab to figure out exactly what textures you need to copy. In this case, PMXE says that it expects the dress texture to be named dress.png, and it expects it to be in a folder named tex. So once I copy that tex folder to the same folder that the model is in, I’ll be good!
Why aren’t my accessories moving right?
Fixing imported bones in PMXE
But it’s not hard to fix this. Before you import one model into another, take a look at the bone tab. This will give you an idea of how the model is laid out. One good technique is to rename the bones in models that you import. Then, when you import this model, the bones will be added rather than merged. (And, you can use the imported model’s bones to more easily adjust its position and orientation.)
Then, after you import the model, you have to make sure that the imported model’s bones are following the right bones for your model. Here, Teto’s ears follow her head (頭) bone. So we’re going to assign the head bone as the parent of our imported earring’s center bone.
Keep the Faith and credit your sources! I used my own Tda Tutor Teto for this tutorial, in a dress based on meshes by Kanahiko-chan!
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