Can I create models from OBJ files? How can I make a PMD model from a .obj file for use in MikuMikuDance? Can I make MMD models from object files? Where can I get Blender? Where can I find .obj models?
Create models from .OBJ files using Blender and PMDE!
Making MMD models has never been an easy task, regardless of which method you use … be it creating a model from scratch or making it from legal spare parts. But have you ever been online and seen a 3D model and thought to yourself “Wow, I wish I could have that for MMD”. If it was a .OBJ file, I’m about to tell you how you can have it for MMD! .OBJ files, as according to Wikipedia, are a
“OBJ (or .OBJ) is a geometry definition file format first developed by Wavefront Technologies for its Advanced Visualizer animation package. The file format is open and has been adopted by other 3D graphics application vendors. For the most part it is a universally accepted format.”
To put that in an MMD-perspective term, .OBJ files are sorta like accessory files. They contain a model (like a house, car, etc), but that model really can’t do anything until we make it do something. So, that being said, how are we going to convert a .OBJ file into something MMD can read?
For Blender, you’ll have many different options of what to download when you look at the previous versions (second tab on the download screen), though for this project I will recommend downloading Blender 2.49b. This is because it can export a model as a .X file (I’m sure the newer versions of Blender can do that by downloading a plugin, but let’s not add extra hassle). Now, as for PMDe simply go to the Downloads page. So, we got the two softwares installed and are ready to go.
Now we need a model…
So, let’s download the pumpkin…
If you haven’t used Blender before,
I’ll provide the bare essentials necessary for our project. Upon loading Blender, we’ll see this rather unattractive square.
The square is, here, in around the same sense that Miku would pop up on the older versions of MMD, to give modelers a quick start. For our purpose, we’ll need to delete it. Simply hit the delete key on your keyboard, and you will be asked if you want to delete the square. Click Yes, and we’ll have a blank screen ready to go.
So, let’s add the pumpkin…
Go to “File” and scroll down to “Import”. In the new table that appears, select “.OBJ” (Wavefront). Now, the next screen that appears may be a bit complicated and will differ from computer to computer. Simply click the “..” in the next screen
until you get to your download screen (it will take a little bit of getting used-to, but it’s not that hard) and finally your “3e1suflbyikg-Pumpkin” folder. Once there, select your .OBJ file and Import it into Blender. Another screen will appear, at which point select import.
Now another square will appear.
This is the pumpkin (well, the square is the “bottom” of the pumpkin, the pumpkin itself is on top of the square). Let’s add texture now by selecting the “Draw Type” tab and then selecting “textured”.
Not much difference, eh? Well, let’s export the pumpkin as an .X file, by going to “File”, “Export”, and selecting the .X option (DirectX). A screen similar to the one before will appear, at which point navigate back to our pumpkin folder and save our file.
Now close Blender…
and open up PMD Editor (for those of you unfamiliar with PMD/X, see this guide).
With PMD editor open, we’ll go to “File” and “Import”. Once again, go to our
So, that being said, the last thing we need to do is figure out what format we want to save it in. The PMD Editor we used will allow us to save the model in either .PMX format or .X format. For our pumpkin, let’s save it (export) as a .X file (accessory) file. For actual models, you would want to save them as .PMX formats (or .X to transfer to an editor that allows .PMDs). When exporting, keep the size as 1/10. Now, load up MMD and load up our new pumpkin model!
And remember to Keep the Faith-MMD…
Always giving credit to the original model maker and never distribute a completed model unless you have permission.
There you go … now you know how to create models from OBJ files.
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