How do I find Yukari’s Gap for downloading? Where do I download Yukari’s Gap for MikuMikuDance? How do you use Yukari’s Gap
The In’s and Out’s of Yukari’s Gap.
I, like the rest of you, have seen the Touhou videos on YouTube and NicoNicoDouga. Bad Apple is arguably the most famous of these videos (Here’s a link to a comparison video of the original shadow animation and an MMD version: ). I will be the first to admit that I am a late comer to Touhou fandom. I started collecting these models for their character design rather than back story. Thanks to the help and information of two friends of mine (Nick and Alex) I now have a better appreciation of what Touhou is about.
I downloaded a version of Yukari’s Gap from this Bowl Roll account ( and the password is one that you’ll have to figure out yourself by going to the original NicoNicoDouga video ( ) this isn’t a difficult password.
I would suggest that you read through Reggie’s article: or Stella’s article: before you start downloading. Don’t expect the password to magically jump out for you.
Once you have downloaded the model you would load it up just as you would a regular MMD model. You’ll notice that you have two models. One is larger than the other. It will show up as three pink bows and a series of normal bones (rotate and move). Because they are normal bones you can create motion data to open and close these gaps. The two left and right furthest from the center bow will control a whole chain. The model also has a mother bone so it can be set on its side and used that way.
Bridging the Gap.
If you want Yukari’s Gap to suddenly appear out of thin air then it would be a good idea to position the model and use the disp check box in the Model Manipulation Panel (MMP). For more details about this feature I would recommend you check out these two articles:
Please note that only the bows will appear and disappear. The most troublesome thing, about working with Yukari’s Gap, is not knowing its boundaries. The effect is invisible and it can hide a lot of
I have uploaded a video showcasing the gaps and two different Yukari models at our YouTube channel:
Have fun with this.
Yukari Yakimo by Min.
Yukari’s Gap model from anonymous’ Bowlroll Account
Sky dome by Kaahgome.
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