How do you make a smooth motion? Make a smooth motion with Miku Miku Dance. How do you make her move smoothly?
Making a Smooth Motion is Easy with MMD
MikuMikuDance is capable of making very smooth motions. MMD creates the in-between frames between the various Key Frames that you Register. If you micro-manage the movements to get precisely what you see in your mind’s eye, you are restraining the capabilities of the Program.
To create smooth movements, take advantage of the
Take a look at my Hand Pose page on the Bonus Page. See the animated GIF there. Again, smooth motions are possible … even easy! I made the MMD animation that created that GIF image by simply loading each of my preset hand pose files one at a time … several frames apart. I let MMD create the in-betweens, as needed.
Here’s another example. I created a pose I call StandDejectedTiedRD.vpd … a pose I found myself in this morning while standing on my porch. I analyzed my own body’s position and decided to
Now, we are ready for smooth motion. Open a NEW file in MMD. Set the Frame Counter to Zero. Load a Model … Meiko? Now we want to use V-Select to select every Diamond in that frame Zero. COPY to store that data. Set the Frame Counter for 250. PASTE to lock-in the same data that was in frame zero. REGISTER. Now set the Frame Counter to 150. Go to File / Load Pose / StandDejectedTiedRD.vpd . Notice that your character snaps into the new position. REGISTER. … … Now push PLAY and watch as your model smoothly assumes the “Dejected” position and then re-assumes her “home” position. Set the Repeat check box by Play and watch how smooth that action is.
That’s it! MMD will create a smooth motion as long as you don’t ask for bumps along the way. Please ask me if you have any questions. I learn, myself, as I do research to find the answers to your questions.
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