Toolbox and the Most Used Tools

GIMP's tools...
GIMP's tools are right there, collected together in that toolbox.
As we move ahead in this GIMP tutorial, we will be using the
- CROP tool
- Fuzzy Select tool to
choose areas of similar color
- Color-Picker tool to
choose colors in our image
- Bucket Fill tool to
fill a selected area with color
- Clone tool to
duplicate a small image area
Other tools
you will find indispensable are the
- Eraser tool...
replaces the image with the background color as you "erase" with it.
- Scale tool allows
you to drag a selected area to a new size
- Move tool lets you
drag your selected area to a new location
- Rectangle and Ellipse selection
tools let you select areas inside of your image
- Free Select
selection tool lets you draw, as if with a pencil, irregular selection
area shapes
- Rotate tool lets you
rotate your selected image area
- Text tool to add
type/text to your image
hope to create more tutorials that will cover the use of the
tools... The ideas explained above seem simple, enough... but GIMP
often has some little-explained procedure required... some tricks... to
get the most from those tools.
If you accidently CLOSE
one of the Toolbox windows, you can open it, again, by looking in the
WINDOWS tab and selecting Recently Closed Docks... and choosing that
lost toolbox... |