What IS MikuMikuDance?
Where did it come from?
What is MMD? What do you DO with MikuMikuDance?
MikuMikuDance… MMD is a free 3D animation software created by Yu Higuchi that lets you create animations and videos. Search YouTube for MMD to see some of the literally MILLIONS of MMD videos posted online.
MikuMikuDance runs only on Windows computers. As of this note, 12/10/19, MMD version 9.32 and 9.32×64 are the latest versions of this DirectX “game”. You will need a PC with a mouse and a strong graphics card (at least 1Gb cache) to enjoy all of MMD’s features. Follow THIS LINK to see which OTHER softwares are required in order to run MMD.
MMD lets you create animations and output them to video for your upload to YouTube, and the like. Hatsune Miku is the star of the show… but fans have created THOUSANDS of models and made them available for free download. LearnMMD.com aims to be THE instructions for this software… no instructions are included in your download.
MMD is FREE… no charge!
The entire MMD “system” is no charge: FREE … there ARE a few modelers who charge for their privately created custom models, but when seen from a Global Scale, MMD costs nothing to use and enjoy.
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WELCOME to the world of Vocaloids and MikuMikuDance!
Let me say at the outset… I love MikuMikuDance… the design of it, the complicated frustration of it, the colors, the characters, and the total creativity it requires and inspires in its users. The MikuMikuDance (MMD) world is huge with literally millions of finished videos and pieces of art posted online across the globe… MMD and the Vocaloid products are represented in the videos as well as in toys and collectible figures… mouse pads, video games, mugs, key chains, cell phone fobs and fine art in all media. The huge burst of human creativity on a global scale centering around Miku and her compadres in just a few year’s time is astounding!
The first commercial Vocaloid product was released by Yamaha in 2003 and was considered as a “for commercial use” product. The scheme of Vocaloid is that it lets the user assemble a spoken voice (a singing voice, actually) from a collection of voice samples… a “voicebank”. The manufacturer created the voicebank by painstakingly breaking the recorded voice of a particular singer into hundreds of sampled-segments representing every sound included in that voice. Then, through the Vocaloid interface, the user selects those bits and pieces and assembles them so as to composes new spoken recordings… new songs sung from his computer using the voice from the voicebank he selected. The earliest version of Yamaha’s Vocaloid featured only the lips of the speakers and two genders: Leon and Lola… soon after, Crypton Future Media designed a character, Meiko, as a graphic to go along with the product to give a “face” to the lips.
Here comes Miku!
In 2007, Crypton Future Media released Vocaloid 2 in Japan featuring their new character… a “vocal-android”… often regarded as the first “Vocaloid”: Hatsune Miku. Now we had a cute character and her particular voice! The product was a success and the world is still enjoying Miku and the other characters that have been developed for the Vocaloid system… each model with his or her own particular voice (voicebank).
Enter MikuMikuDance!
Also in 2007, the Vocaloid Promotion Video Project was launched in Japan featuring the free 3D animation software developed by Yu Higuchi: MikuMikuDance. The Japanese enthusiasts latched onto the software and began creating animations, creating
models and stages… accessories and props of all kinds… an online culture developed which allowed free access to share the knowledge and the creative property of all of those MikuMikuDance artists.
The Japanese had a lock on MikuMikuDance. Though it was all freely available on the web, it was all in Japanese language… until the summer of 2010… when MMD 7.39 was released… in English! Suddenly the Western world had access to the software and all of the “goodies” available online.
MikuMikuDance EXPLODED onto the scene!
With the release of MMD 7.39, the “lid was off” and creative enthusiasts across the planet began to use the software. The animations appeal not only to Vocaloid users but animation and Japanese “anime”and “manga” enthusiasts as well. … Ever wanted to make your own cartoons?… Ever want to create Anime, yourself? Ever want to pose models to make scenes, pictures, and “fine art”? … Well… Now you can… MikuMikuDance… the free 3D animation software from the Vocaloid Promotion Video Project!
So… What IS MikuMikuDance?
MikuMikuDance is a free 3D animation software… but, more than that, MikuMikuDance (MMD) is a modern DirectX video game, WITHOUT the game!
MMD is a powerful game-system framework that awaits your creative genius to create your own 3D animations. When you download and open MMD, “the gates are open” and you can simply “get started”… and, using only the tools included in your download, you can create amazing animations and videos.
… but Wait… there’s more!
MikuMikuEffects (MME) adds a wonderful library of special effects to MikuMikuDance. MME is an opensource software that has been developed by MMD enthusiasts. As of this writing, MME v037 is the latest version. LearnMMD.com offers what we call MME in English” which includes all of the original files contained in the latest version of MME… PLUS English translations of the included documentation, and an instructive picture-image showing you how to install MME.
Installation of MME is easy. You do not really install MME, you simply drop the three DLL files included in your MME zip into the same folder where you keep your MikuMikuDance.exe file. SEE THE DOWNLOADS PAGE… for the latest version of MME in English. … and see the many articles on LearnMMD to learn all about many MME effects.
everytime I try to run MMD I encounter a d3dx9_43.dll error. how can I solve this problem?
Hello! That error tends to indicate that the DirectX 9c runtime has not loaded properly.
See how to do it in my “Success with Win 10” tutorial. It’s the same for Win 11, too.
You can check to see if your DLLs are indeed in place. Look into your System 32 folder inside your Windows folder to see the DLLs. You should see the batch like what I have circled here. … if not, then you need to add that DirectX runtime, again.
— Reggie
i have question what do you do when you dont have the material map? the only map thats shows up is the main one
Are crossovers in MikuMikuDance software?
“Crossovers”? What is that?
Tell me Why are crossover characters in MikuMikuDance and anime style?
Sorry… hmmm?
Can you run MMD and any associated programs on a Macbook that’s been partitioned with windows 10, or do you specifically need it to be a windows computer. I guess I’m curious if its a hardware or software issue using MMD when it comes to mac versus windows computers.
I think its a 2017 macbook at the least if that helps. Just wondering if i should accept the macbook as a gift or deny it and buy a non mac laptop.
Just thought MMD looked neat and I’d try it out if possible. Thanks.
MikuMikuDance does not run smoothly on a Mac… People have used Windows emulators and faux Windows 7 on a Mac and with a little success… but if you wish to run MMD and the MME special effects software to its potential, do the kind of art you want to do, you will want to be running a modern Windows computer… with a strong graphics card. If you force it to run on a Mac, you will be bumping into limitations and “issues” with your every step.
… MikuMikuDance requires a DirectX environment… it requires that you load some legacy software onto your Windows computer. You will need to run a DirectX 9c runtime update (from about 2010) as well as a couple of C++ like from 2005, 2008, and/or 2010… Doing those things on a Windows computer is simple… on a Mac?… not so much.
I wanted to ask if MMD had a changelog for their versions? Its nice to know that MMD still has updates, but I never really knew what kind of updates it is receiving.
None that English speaking community is aware of. Maybe Japanese fans know more.
Are you games
Not really a game… a way to create Anime-looking 3D animations… See this intro page…
Hello! So when I open the file, extract it and click MikuMikuDance it says, “The application has failed to start due to its side-to-side configuration…” Well, I don’t know what that is. Help, please!!!
Install C++ libraries
Love mmd
Can you get MDD on a Apple IPad? And if so, how do you do so?
you can not is only allowed on window computers sorry to tell you
how do u download it on ur phone
You don’t.
So, I don’t know how to use/open MMD. I have a lenovo (Windows 10) and everything is weird. Also, when I download a MMD model, how do I open it up in MMD itself? Please reply and get a internet cookie.
Ty! ^v^
Please read the Troubleshooting page.
Please read an introduction tutorial.
Please read the Step-by-step tutorial.
Please read some other beginners tutorial.
If you read a lot, weirdness will subside. Eventually.
Well you get one called MikuMikuDance_e that’s what they call and a couple of opens (DON’T EXTRACT IT)
And It will open.
>>The Japanese had a lock on MikuMikuDance. Though it was all freely available on the web, it was all in Japanese language… until the summer of 2010… when MMD 7.39 was released… in English!
On 14/03/08, within a month of the first release of MMD, an English version was released. Higuchi made it after seeing his MMD tutorial video translated to English and uploaded to YouTube by Cityedge.
Ver 3 was being build from scratch and on 25/05/09 a full English mode with non-Jap OS compatibility was introduced in ver 4.03.
MMD cup started adding English episode titles from the 3rd MMD cup which took place on Aug 2009
Having English episode titles still continues to this day. Some of the themes are English words probably to make it easy for English only speakers to participate. And by the 4th MMD cup held on Feb 2010 there was a mostly English speaking MMD user getting an award for his entry work.
MMD 7.39 was released on 26/05/11
MMD 7.39×64 on 01/09/12
My point was going to be, language and cultural barriers ain’t trivial things to overcome. But I am going to be blunt. Playing the outside shunning Japanese stereotype is cute and pathetically bigoted. How is it a “lock” when within 1 month they had an English version? I assume to you guys anything not written in perfect English is “all in Japanese” and not being able to find the function is having a “lock” on things. If this is the kind of attitude KTF preaches, I’m afraid I’m absolutely in agreement with fuwarimofumofu’s take.
Reading trackdancer’s thoughts really highlights how miles ahead fuwarimofumofu’s take is when it comes to trying to understand the other side.
Fuwarimofumofu is worried about being able to communicate clearly, fearing mistranslation and misinterpretation and the cost burden on English MMD users trying to keep their communities in order. Trackdancer, wants to make a superficial grand political and personally historical point by citing wikipedia. The former is about how to relate between communities, the latter is about how we should interpret them label them and judge them.
Not sharing to non-Japanese speaking people i.e. non-Japanese is a valid and effective method to avoid unnecessary and time consuming conflict. Not speaking Japanese/non-Japanese indicates two things: you have no knowledge of Japanese language, and most likely you don’t have any clue about Japanese cultural customs. And those two don’t mix well with Japanese unable to communicate well in English. Because the Japanese sub-culture communities actually feel obligated to keeping order among their community and customs and it’s obvious from your KTF page, you’re not. The Japanese thinks it’s their responsibility to help you adopt and follow their sub culture’s customs, so if they feel they can’t help you do that because of a language barrier etc, it’s irresponsible and just a hassle for them to let you in their community in the first place.
Moreover if you want to learn language and culture, then anime and manga ain’t how you do it. And your quasi-real internet community friend ain’t on the net to enjoy teaching you the ins and outs of the language, customs and culture regarding their sub-culture community if you’re unwilling to not only follow but help maintain that custom and culture.
Finally, if you think Japanese modelers saying no to non-Japanese is racist, imagine how pathetically racist it is to attribute Higuchi Yu’s lack of English ability, spare time and design skills as an indication that the whole “Japanese” had a lock on MMD; an insignificant otaku toy that GMOD, SFM, or Blender can outperform any day. Not to mention the overflowing amount of hypocrisy about KTF.
I ain’t supporting a racist of any persuasion either and the hypocrisy here is delicious.
I am sorry if the line that you quoted gave you a feeling of being accusatory or resentful towards Japanese MMD community. I assure you that it was not the intent. The fact that MMD was primarily developed as a Japanese only tool and had Japanese only supporters before spreading overseas is merely a historical data point, and stating it did not have any deeper meaning than that.
It is true that understanding Japanese culture is difficult for a non-Japanese, and probably can not be ever achieved fully (mind you, the opposite is also true. Being able to speak English does not equal understanding Englishmen or Americans). Yet, it is better to enjoy a small part of what you can enjoy rather that refuse any efforts whatsoever on the grounds of not being able to perceive the whole thing. Even if for some of westerners, the anime and manga remain the top level of what they can and will want to reach.
As for Japanese modelers wanting to keep some models to Japanese users only, my stance is this: if you want to keep something you created for a limited circle of people that you like – fine, you have the right to do so. If we’re unhappy about your decision, we have the right to voice our opinion either.
Finally, I do not see the point of your offense about KTF. It is merely a declaration of a simple rule: one who uses resources, should respect their sources. If the problem is that you’re used to more sophisticated code of conduct in your own community, well, that’s not something that can be fixed. Yet, I fail to see anything “hypocritical” about it.
I am new to animation software! the reason i am saying this is because i dont want to get ripped off again..
For give me for i no not what i am doing! Sometimers
Is it really free.
I dont mind paying but i am a disabled american vet and dont have a lot of money and i hate getting ripped off. i am 64 yr old an dont have much time left.
What i am wanting to do in business caricatures and business animation.
will this work ?? if not can u recommend any software.
I am in North Dakota USA
I just want a program that i can do still and animated business caricatures
if anyone else knows of a good program that can do what i stated above, please contact me.
Hi Gary,
I’m not associated with MMD in any professional capacity– in fact, as far as I know, nobody is, because MMD is no longer in active development.
But yes, MMD is 100% free. And yes, you could use it for business animation. Many of the resources that have already been created for it have restrictions on commercial use, so you may need to spend some time developing your skills with things like modelling and animation.
As an alternative, you might consider Blender, which is also 100% free. (There are some commercial plug-ins, but they’re just add-ons, not necessary.) Blender or MMD could meet your stated needs equally. The difference is that MMD is easier to learn, but has some limitations that Blender doesn’t.
Hope that helps! Good luck with your animation!
What programs does my computer need to e able to download mmd because my friend tried it before and it said it was missing things.
See the Troubleshooting page.
Limitations on MMD? I’ve never seen, I’ve seen fantastic animations, limitations? NO!
Hey, Gary… hello. … As Editor, I have removed your phone number from your comment. If readers wish to reach you, they can use your email. Best wishes and I wish you well as you learn these animation programs!
— Reggie
Hey Gary,
Just a suggestion, you should try looking into Source Film Maker (SFM). It is a free animation program that you can download off of Steam. It is primarily used for gaming content, but you can definitely use it for whatever you like, including business animation. Just thought I’d pitch in since you seem to be looking for a program for little to no cost.
Best of luck to you, Gary!
– Connor
Is there a version for WIndows 10? I tired downloading it and it didn’t work.
MikuMikuDance MMD 9.26 will run on Windows 10See our Troubleshooting page… there are things you can do to make MMD run for you.
hi i have mac os no win, what can i do? to get a version in MAC OS
Sorry MMD doesn`t support OS X. There isn`t an OS X version either…
Yes there is! It’s MMDAI2! I am a Mac user too, I used to use MMDAI2 but I think the Windows version is better so, I use Crossover (a software used to run Windows software on Mac).