Miku Miku Dance requires Skill … and you get that through Practice!
Practice, practice, practice! Learning how to do Everything WELL requires practice. Keep working and send me your .pmm files so that I can see how you are doing. Let’s talk!
Here are some HOMEWORK EXERCISES to practice …
- Create a simple “Jump Dance” that starts with your character standing off-center on the stage. Make the model squat a bit in preparation for the jump. Lift her up for a high jump. Land her in a squat position “to absorb the landing with her knees” … and then let her recoil into another small jump. Keep working on it until it looks lifelike.
- Add a photo background to the Jump Dance and also some Camera moves to make it funny or interesting.
- Work on using the many facial adjustments that are available. Maybe make the model mouth some particular words … use your imagination … “How are you” “I love you” “Get the #$%*! away from me!” Go for happy looks … mad looks … questioning looks. Play with all of those adjustments mixed together. The possibilities are endless.
- Work on creating a Walk motion. See the Downloads Page for my WalkTest6RD.pmm file. You can play that on MMD and, also, play WITH it. Please rename the file if you make changes to it. That RD in the file name is for me: Reggie Dentmore.
- LEARN the MMD ETHICS about downloading, sharing, and altering MikiMikuDance Models and Accessories. Read this page: http://mikumikudance.wikia.com/wiki/MMD:Ethics and be responsible as you collect and use new characters. READ MY ARTICLE regarding MMD Etiquette.
- Keep Track of the Sources of your downloaded models and accessories.
Start a Spreadsheet or a WORD document that allows you to list your models and their creators and websites … a sheet you can refer to when you want to credit the authors/creators of your models, music, motions, and accessories.
Does this work for chromebooks?
Hey uhh I have an iPad and I don’t think it works for an iPad
You are correct. MMD needs a Windows PC with a good graphics capability and a mouse. MikuMikuDance will not run on an iPad or a Chromebook.
is the homework supossed to be all in one part?
Hello! … and “no”… the homework idea is just to get you thinking about using MMD… what you can do and how to do it. … There is no need to “turn in” your homework.
— Reggie
Is Vocaloid or MMD for kids or at least for mature 11-12 years old people because my lil sister want to join the community of mmd so please respond as fast as you can if you are in a hurry please take your time!
“Kids” do enjoy MikuMikuDance… but I suggest that Parental Supervision is required. … it’s a wide-open internet environment with young people and adults facing all that the web has to offer. … LearnMMD.com “keeps it clean” with our text and copy written so as to be acceptable for young readers, and our links and references are “clean” and certainly fit for young readers; young MMD enthusiasts. LearnMMD has a Green Light from “Web of Trust” as being fit for all audiences… but… like anything else online, the MMD Community has its dark sides, too: Parental Supervision is required.
Additionally to what Reggie said, while kids may enjoy *some* easier facets of MMD, it implies a certain degree of computer savviness, which they may or may not have. MMD was designed by and for computer graphics enthusiasts, not by user-friendly interface designers for a wide range of customers, and there’s no tech support other than from the community and basically googling stuff.
Yes… Hello.
hey um so I downloaded PMX editor and it just keeps saying stuff like csscrips.dll keeps failing to load how do I fix that?
Have you tried unblocking the zip file before unzipping it?
Right click on the zip file, go to properties, unblock, apply, then unzip.
what if someone made a new mmd Wich is me HAHAHAHA!
Sure, if you know someone who would.
Hewwo! Im Mew/Error I like to ask why doesnt it open? Yet i watched many Videos on how to download it and they all said to get this C++ Plus or something.. And yet. Can you tell me its safe my friends told me it isnt- And yet- Im not trying to sound rude ;w;
P.S: If you can make it not have this ”Error” I be happy CAUSE IDK But yet i aint saying rude stuff im just confused nu hate pwease ;^;” – A Greatful Fan Of MMD
Check this out… Troubleshooting Page… and this here will help. … and THIS One, here…
So i got it- And is it meant to say
“Opening vrcredist_x86.exe”
Or did i get the wrong one? IT SEEMS LIKE A VIRUS TO ME-
I aint trying to be rude- I j u s t c o n f u s e d ; w ; “
That’s it for C++ 2010… Go ahead and GOOGLE search for vrcredist_x86.exe
… and your top result will be for Microsoft C++ 2010…
so you do have the proper download.
Mk- If it does something bad i randomly slap mahself g o t i t? :> Now bai!
Mk i got it, It still will not open at all ;w;”
I need more help- It wont work- S T I L L
Do you get an error message… does ANYTHING happen? … tell me about your PC… what model, what level of Windows.
No..? Maybe. Idk- And yet im confused of what type of PC I Have all of know its 7 years old ;w;” So i dont know anything else about it..
And no error message only for MMD.. .w.” No PC Error messages..
Okay… well… I have helped you all I can. I recommend you find someone, there, locally, to help you with your system. Best wishes… best of luck…
— Reggie
.’ Welp time to spam a friend to halp – Error/Mew
did you install the correct version? older PCs will need 32bit and newer ones need 64bit
The C++ and DirectX runtimes are all Microsoft software… and they were designed to to be added to your existing system. When you attempt to run that DirectX update, your system may give you a statement saying you already HAVE a newer version installed. … and That’s OK, Say YES to install this older update. MikuMikuDance NEEDS some of what is in this older update. Again, that update is designed to run on your system along with whatever else you are running; it IS safe. There is a TRICK to running that DirectX update… See my Windows 10 Success story.
Win 7 Virtual Machine Runs MMD on MAC and Linux
Use the app nanoem
Quick Question! How do I download Models? it’s REALLY confusing to me at the moment and I need lots of help! :T and also how do I download Motions? I’ve tried multiple times but It askes me for a Password..
And how do I download Pmx editor? I’ve seen it in videos of “How to Download a MMD model”
https://learnmmd.com/StartHere/Steps5.html (Reggie: that page still refers to the older PMXE, needs updating)
Well, if you’re not satisfied with models or motions that do *not* require a password to download – there are plenty of those, though I can totally understand you may want something absolutely specific that *does* – usually there are hints on the same page about what that password may be. Quite often people do not want for random folks (or worse, copyright bots) to peek inside their archives, but they usually do not require something mind-boggling and uncrackable using minimum common sense. Though, of course, if the page, the author, and the password are all Japanese, that may be problematic for us gaijins.
Would it be okay to do all of that in one animation? :3
I could think of a way to do so…>w< I've used MMD quite a lot but, I've got rusty and trying to start fresh. I've been working on a few projects of my own for practicing reasons. (I plan to make serious animations later in the future) So, I thought that maybe doing this could help and see if you could help me improve as well! ^_^
All in one animation? … Sure… Go for it!
Okay! ^_^
I just got my own lap top (finally) and I need to catch up with other stuff first. But, I’ll remember this because I love using MMD still! >w<
Would you want to see the video on Youtube or should I email it to you? (Or both? lol)
Also, would you want the MMD file too? Or just the video file?
Hoi! Me again!
I finished everything but, I’m going to put the video together on a video editing software called VideoPad as a bonus, I was going to download your dance PMM file that was mentioned here. When I did though, it kept crashing my MMD. TwT
Would that part be optional anyways? I already made walking motions in my animation. X3 I could just make a different ending. >w<
Here’s the link to the video on Youtube:
I’ll also email you the link to the DL of the MMD files as well, just in case you didn’t get to see the video and/or can’t watch it at all!
(I just hope it will still work if you don’t have the right models such as the Carbon Aqua Miku model I found and added into the animation…^^”)
If all works well, maybe you can see how I did the walking animation on the MMD program it’s self! Maybe you could help out with any mistakes I’ve done! ^_^
Know that it’s possible also, you may not end up seeing this message too so, I’ll send it through email, like I said “just in case”. Hehe. ^^
The back part of my model’s skirt keeps “going up”. The other parts are fine. It’s just this one part that keeps going up. It used to poof up. After I fixed that, the back part started to go up.
try the gravity option in physical operation, that might work
how do you start can someone help me
I’ve a problem, I looked through your mmd help sections and I can’t find anything pertaining to my issue, could you help?
If you don’t try, you won’t know…
I has hard time it no look realistic I beginer :(
Good luck… keep trying!
I have some trouble opening files in pmde/pmxe/mmd.
I used blender to create a model and installed meshio and mmd tools. Now I exported the file to pmd/pmx files and tried to open them in pmde and pmdx, but even tho the files are clearly there in my folder, pmde/pmdx does not see it. I would be so glad if some could explain to me what i did wrong. I have never used any of these programs before so I really need some help.
Thanks in advance c:
You can only export meshes from blender without bones! Can’t remember witch one of the 2 plugins do it. Test it out and let me know how it goes. I have been through this too
Blender with pymeshio exported models with bones to me. Even though their rigging had to be updated, I suppose it was because of Source, er, source models.