Search to find your answers!
With the posting of this article, has 758 tutorials and articles, all online, at the moment. Plus the many special pages and extended articles.
You can search through it ALL by using the Search tool located in the top right corner of almost every page.
I am proud of the content of I and my coauthors have been working on it for nearly twelve years, now… since August of 2011. LearnMMD uses a special search plugin, Relevanssi, that aids you in your search by guessing at your intent and opening the door to include some search results that may help you to find your answers. As a result, you may get some articles recommended that barely apply to your situation, but you will get others with helpful info that you didn’t expect.
START SIMPLE… one word, maybe two
Start your search with only the main word that describes you question: maybe… physics … Wow! That got over a hundred articles and Tutorials! … So, OK… bone physics … THAT narrowed it down to 80. … How about bone collision … that got us down to 20. … Another popular search is SCREEN SIZE. THAT got us tons of results… but the most important ones are at the top.
Raycast, PMXE, KiraKira effect… motion blur… the possibilities are endless!
Have fun with MikuMikuDance!
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