What is the SSAO effect for MikuMikuDance? How do I use MME effects in MMD? Do some MMD MMEffects load like accessories? LearnMMD MME Tutorials. Where can I get MME effects for Miku Miku Dance?
Learn to use the MME SSAO and the SvDOF Effects
Hello again dear MMDers!! (^^)/
I have once again come back to tell you about some really great MME effects, MMEffects, that can be directly applied, and give the most wonderful results!!
Before you can use these effects, you must have MME downloaded and installed in your copy of MikuMikuDance. DOWNLOAD MMEffects from LearnMMD’s Downloads Page!
Use the SSAO Effect …
Let’s start with my personal favorite of all the effects: SSAO!
While I might not know what SSAO actually means in its full form, I know that using this effect will give a really gorgeous and realistic look to your models and the background stages you use!
You can see the difference in the image below:
Click the Picture for the larger image!
In simple words, this effect makes your images look more sharp and gives them a more ominous effect by giving them some shadows that make them look realistic.
Using this effect is simple! You just have to load the “.x” file like any other Accessory through the Accessory Manipulation area … that’s it … the effect is loaded!
Here is the download link to the effect:
Clicking on this link or pasting it to your web browser will automatically start the download as a “.zip” file. Save the ZIP file to your desktop. Unzip the folder and drop the new folder into your MMD Accessories folder … (Make a new “Effects” folder inside the Accessories folder and keep your effects in there.)
Start MMD. While in the Camera/Light/Accessory mode, load SSAO like you would any accessory. See that the SSAO folder has two effects: “SSAO.x” and the other “SSAO_Lite.x”. The SSAO effect gives a stronger result, while SSAO_Lite gives a lesser effect of the same kind. It’s up to your choice which one you want to use!
Now try the SvDOF Effect … It’s Adjustable!
ALRIGHT! Now to the next effect which is really interesting to use and look at! It’s the SvDOF or DOF effect!
SvDOF gives a blurred effect to the Background surrounding your model. Unlike the SSAO effect, this time it’s necessary that you adjust the effect so that you get the right “look” … otherwise your model may look “blurred out” as well, which is not what we really want!
Here is the link to the SvDOF effect:
After you have downloaded this effect, just extract the file to your Effects folder. Then start MMD and set up your models and your stage before using the effect. For this effect, you set up your stage and your models first … and then apply the SvDOF effect to give it a final touch!
After arranging your stage and models, go over to the folder with “SvDOF2” and, upon clicking the folder, you will notice that there are three effects. The effect on the top, the “ManualFocus.x” effect, doesn’t really have any sort of effect on your setup, so it is practically not needed here … let’s ignore that one and take a look at the other two: the “SvDOF.x” and the “SvDOF_HQ.x”. These effects are the ones that really work! :3
After selecting the effect, you will see that your whole MMD set-up looks rather blurry, and, by adjusting the settings in the boxes with the numbers (like 0.0000), you can get the outcome you desire. Keep making adjustments until you love the result!
An example of how this effect works is given below (through Yuma-san who voluntarily posed for this picture!).
Click the Picture for the larger image!
Thank you for reading this article! (^^)
If there are still any doubts or any troubles with the effects, do comment on this article and I or Reggie-san will see to it that you get it solved! :3
Email questions to [email protected]
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I’m trying to use the SSAO effect and it just comes up as a blue cube. I’ve downloaded everything I needed to, and I tried it with both the lite and normal ones
When someone says “I did everything right”, the correct translation usually is “I did all what I knew about”, and that apparently was not enough. Please describe every step you did at installing MMD, MME, and applying the effect. The more details, the more probability that something important does not slide under radar.
You guys are great! These articles are making it possible for me to use the software at all. Thank you so much!! love
Everytime I load an effect it just turns in a blue or red square… Does anyone know why this is happening?
You mean *any* effect, or just one? Do you have DirectX 9.0 runtime library installed? What your video card is?
Hello! I have the same issue (with any effects, except the Luminous one, it just doesn’t work at all) I installed DirectX 9.0 (it’s one of the firsts things I did after installing MMD) and my graphic cards are AMD FirePro (TM) W4190M and Intel(R) HD Graphics 620 (I don’t know if it responds to your question :/)
Do you have the MME showing in the upper-right corner of you screen?

How do you change where the point of focus is using the depth of field effect? I need to slowly switch it from the foreground to the background in a project.
(I’m also very curious what the manual focus effect does as I haven’t been able to figure it out.)
Assign the effect to a Dummy Bone and move that bone to change the focus. You can assign another accessory to the same bone as well to see where exactly your focus is and make it invisible right before starting rendering.
Manual focus lets you do the same thing– adjust the depth at which the blur works. First, you load whichever SvDOF accessory you want (HQ is higher resolution but slow). Then you load manual focus. One of manual focus’s fields (si? can’t remember) will shift the depth of the DoF effect. Close-ups can get as low as 0.2, long-distance stuff can get to 2. Numbers outside of this range are probably a bad idea unless you’re trying to make things really blurry on purpose.
Thank you really much for the tutorial n.n . It was really helpful!.
Oh, and about the SSAO effect: It doesnt give shadow, but it fakes it (see: shader code). An easy way to eliminate the distortion artifacts at the edges, is to use Anti Aliassing.
Once again, thank you very much!.
– Kahvana
Thank you!
erm…I meant the download link isn’t working. that is, at least it’s not for me. then again, my computer has been coughing a lot…I think it’s got a cold (haha) I’ll check it out. sorry to have troubled you. [p.s. I finally figured out how to use the mirrored water effect! yay-me!]
I tried the link and it sent me to a YouTube Redirect page but there, under the big orange bar was a link to the zip file: http://mqdl.jpn.org/public/SSAO.zip
Try that one! — Reggie
I’m just starting MMD and am overwhelmed by the whole thing but I’m learning! And, I must say that your site has been a huge help in that. The reason I’m writing is to both tell you THANK YOU! and to mention that your SSAO effect link doesn’t work. Might need to check that out. ;p Again, thank you much for your great site! and ROCK ON! :D
Hmmm … SSAO is one of my favorites … works for me … how does it not work for you … what’s missing?
I can’t beleive I’m saying (writing) this, but SSAO is better than adult shader. It’s great on everything, and doesn’t limit itself to only certain models (DT/PD models can look kind of funky too!).
I wish I had used the SSAO effect on my latest “Departures” video on YouTube! My chibi-Miku has delicately colored lips that didn’t show in my video but now, with the SSAO effect, everything on-screen is both more richly colored and more detailed. It’s a beautiful effect.