What is MMAccel? How can I make my own MMD Keyboard shortcuts? Where can I download the latest version of MMAccel?
Ever found yourself using a lot of features in MMD that aren’t easily accessible?
Or do you use one feature in such excessive amounts that it’s quite honestly stupid?
Or maybe you’re an experienced Blender user?
Say Hello and Welcome to…
MMAccel, the ultimate shortcut creation tool!
MMAccel – Tool to add shortcuts + more to MMD
Download MMAccel
Click here to download MMAccel_2_0_5_NGTL_V1.zip from LearnMMD.com
This version has the keyboard shortcut portion translated, so you can understand exactly what function you’re binding your keys to… If you can understand from my translations. Hopefully you do.
You can also get the original (and most recent) version at the Github releases here. Wait, no, Bowlroll here.
Unfortunately, MMAccel on GitHub appears to have been removed, most likely due to GitHubs new two-step verification requirements.
I have an older version stored on my own Github, but hopefully I can convince the guy to give me the latest source.
NOTE: MMAccel has only been tested on the “newest” version of MMD, v932x64, which can be found here… find the 64-bit version on offer.
Fun fact, while translating the shortcut part, I actually fixed a keybind that didn’t work, so I’m listed as a contributor there! Am I just not the bee’s knees?
Since it’s open-source, it’s entirely possible to translate the entire thing, but when I tried to just re-compile the thing, rustc gave me an error I couldn’t figure out, so I’ll just not. The edited .json files are enough for now. If you’ve actually worked with rust code and know how to compile this, find my fork over at github and we can make this plugin fully translated.
Open source, MIT License… Aw, there’s no source code out there now… Except my old version.
Installing the thing so that it works
The installation is simple.
[UNPACK] the .zip file. There’s no unblocking to be done, so there’s no issue.
Within the .zip file, there’s a folder, named MMAccel_[version number] Go into the folder.
Either [COPY] or [DRAG] the d3d9.dll and the MMAccel folder into your MMD install folder.
If you have MME installed, let it replace the d3d9.dll when asked. Don’t worry, this won’t remove MME from your MMD install.
(EDITED) After staring really hard at the source code and some guesswork (I’m not a coder), I figured it out, and also now how to make our own plugins loadable, should they be made.
MME is actually not stored within d3d9.dll, but in the MMEffect and MMHack dll files. d3d9.dll’s presence in MMD’s folder is to trick (or convince) MMD to use that DLL instead of the actual DX9 found in your computer when you install it. It points to your actual DX9, but also tells it to load MME as well. MMAccel’s d3d9.dll replicates that very function, but adds checks for its own DLL files as well, in which it throws up an error if not found. Same for MMPlus, which is why they work together.
Oh, but if you want to install MME later, it won’t work the opposite way, so you’ll have to move MMAccels d3d9.dll someplace else before placing in MME, and then you can install it as if you had MME installed the entire time.
With this, should you decide to install MME and MMPlus later, you can add everything but the d3d9.dll files in theory (untested)

Open up MMD and hey presto there it is
MMAccel… Shortcut Keybinding + More!
As for the + more part, there is a checkbox offering a timing accuracy fix and another allowing you to click out of the number input text boxes, the latter being especially useful if you’re used to quite literally any other text box in any other program.
If you already have MMPlus, there’s a conflict in that both have a shortcut function. However, the answer to this is simple: Don’t use MMPlus’ shortcut function. MMAccel has a more thorough selection, so that you can configure it to Helheim and back. Although if both shortcut functions break while installed, you have a choice to make.
Let’s get into the meat, shall we?
The plugin itself
If we click on the MMAccel menu on top, this is what we get:

Before we get into the key mapping, let’s talk about the other two:
Improve timing accuracy:
I’m going to be perfectly honest, I have no idea. Either it increases the accuracy of the FPS display, increases the max FPS (though it seems, no matter what, hard-capped at 1000 fps), or does something under the hood. Either way, I keep it on.
Click to leave text box:
This is a simple thing to grasp. When you’re inputting something into a text box, then click outside, in most programs this will exit the text box, so you can do inputs elsewhere. Not in MMD, unless MMAccel is installed, however! This setting fixes that issue.
However, it doesn’t save the number you put in properly, so to do that, you’ll have to press Enter like normal.
Now, let’s get into the keymapping window!

This should be simple to get. You have your categories to the very left, then the main window showing the function, what key combination it’s mapped to, and what the keymap conflicts with.
To make a keymap, click on the box under the キー at the function you want to map it to, then make your keybind. After that, click on the box again to stop key input.
As for how flexible it can be…
You can go loose and free with the keybindings. If your fingers can hit the keys on the keyboard simultaneously, chances are you can make the keybind. Go as simple or as needlessly complicated as you can!
If you spend ungodly amounts of time setting up and learning the keybinds, I’m pretty sure you would be able to make an entire MMD animation without even TOUCHING the mouse! Not sure why you’d want to, but the option is there. Actually, there is one reason, and that’s sheer speed. Make it a competition to see who can do it best, it’ll be great!
Other than that, I really don’t have much else to say. It touches up on two things alongside letting you set insane keybinds. Absolutely, a valuable tool in the MMDer’s toolkit.
oh but don’t bind [Ctrl+Shift+E] as that’s the Use Effects bind for MME, unless you want it to do both what you set it to and the Use Effects function… ‘s what the github readme said
‘kay bye see you all some other time
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Is there a way to cleanly uninstall it? After I tried to I constantly get a missing DLL error for mmaccel.dll on startup.
I’m guessing you removed the MMAccel folder but didn’t replace the d3d9.dll it hooks onto? If you’re using MME (which I assume you do) you simply have to remove the MMAccel-upgraded d3d9.dll file and put in a new copy of MME’s d3d9.dll
Simply said, and just guessing, the MMAccel-ed d3d9.dll gets MMD to ask for the mmaccel.dll on startup so everything can load properly, and it throws an error. In order to fix this, you need to bring in a fresh d3d9.dll that hasn’t gotten the MMAccel treatment, which will stop the program from calling for the other MMAccel parts.
Or, in very short terms: Replace the d3d9.dll with a fresh one that hasn’t been upgraded with MMAccel
It didn’t work, all it did was remove MME
That behaviour is highly unusual, how did you install it? What version of MME did you use? What download of MMAccel did you use? Lastly, did you try to do it on the 32-bit versions? They don’t work on 32-bit.
When testing to see if anything could have gone wrong, I used the english MME plugin (64-bit) offered in the downloads page, my own version of MMAccel, on a fresh 64-bit “install” of MMD, everything specified.