Have there been many updates to the original MikuMikuDance program? Can I still download previous versions of MikuMikuDance? Are the older versions of Miku Miku Dance still available?
You can Download Previous Versions of MikuMikuDance from LearnMMD.com!
A History of
MikuMikuDance Updates…
In the summer of 2010, Yu Higuchi’s DirectX version of MikuMikuDance in English, MMD version 7.39, was released for the world to enjoy … and we have done so!
Then … almost three years later, a new version was released …
MMD 7.94
On the VPVP homepage, it became the default DirectX version … with no mention of good ol’ 7.39 or of any improvements over the old version. We MMDers did not know what to expect!
7.94 lasted nearly two weeks before it was replaced with MMD 7.96 … which lasted four days … and 7.97 which lasted only one day!
You can see on the chart that the updates continued almost daily “:o). until July 8, 2013, with the release of MMD 8.03 … which lasted for five months.
Then began another long string of updates … just a few days apart … up until the writing of this article on March 21, 2014 and yesterday’s release of MMD 9.08. … (MMD is up to version 9.32 as of this update; December 10th, 2019.)
The amazing thing about each of the updates is that it arrives unheralded. It is simply the link to Yu Higuchi’s DirectX MMD … what they call 1.3 … No advance notice … no news about the new version … no info. We are to guess as to what the newest improvements might be and guess as to the shortcomings of the previous version.
LearnMMD has the History of DirectX MikuMikuDance available for download!
As you can see on that chart, there have been many updates … and, probably, many more to come! With each new update, LearnMMD.com downloads the latest MMD zip and makes it available to you!
Every zip folder, including the latest versions, is available from LearnMMD.com …
The standard “download MMD” URL is this:
or … for 64-bit
Just adjust the URL for the MMD version you wish to own.
Pasting that URL address into your browser will get you MMD 9.32. Simply adjust the URL for the particular version you want to download. MMD version 8.10 had the new Animasa “Luka” model, version 1.0 … and MMD 8.11 had “Luka” v 1.1.
As new updates are launched from the VPVP page … LearnMMD will archive them and make each available to you.
Enjoy MikuMikuDance … learn new things and share them with us on LearnMMD.com!
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I have said it many times, there are even 3 comments talking about having a Vietnamese version of mikumikudance that is easy to use and can run on windows 11 computers, so that Vietnamese people like me can use mikumikudance easily, or you can create a version that only supports Vietnamese ( I wrote in English for a long time, hope you accept.)
Hope my request is approved and you have received this comment.
Best regards!
Sorry. No. I am not the creator of MikuMikuDance. See the Creator’s page: https://sites.google.com/view/vpvp/
… I have no control over the cevelopment and a release of MMD. It is up to the creators to decide if there will be a Vietnameese release.
— Best wishes!
— Reggie
I have said it many times, there are even 3 comments talking about having a Vietnamese version of mikumikudance that is easy to use and can run on windows 11 computers, so that Vietnamese people like me can use mikumikudance easily, or you can create a version that only supports Vietnamese
I hope my request is approved and you have received this comment.
Does MMD work without DirectX?
MikuMikuDance is a DirectX “game”… it needs DirectX.
Hello mmd is’nt working how it use to be.. after running mmd for a while my pc stops working and shut down itself i do’nt understand what has happend. Any help will be appriciated
Sorry… no idea for you. … maybe seek computer repair service… ?
hello i have a problem with recent versions of MMD. I actually get to open MMD, get it to work and everything, but as soon as I install MME, the app refuses to open without even an error message. I do not understand.
This happens once in awhile… MMD won’t work with MME… Try using the 32-bit version of both… We don’t know WHAT the issue is; maybe a recent Windows 10 update has caused that incompatibility.
First, make sure you have DirectX 9.0c installed. If that doesn’t solve your problem, try this: right-click on the MikuMikuDance.exe, select Properties, then on the Compatibility page set it to Windows 7… write us back if it works or not.
Hi i have a problem my coputer dont accept the last version of mmd and the version 7.32 too but i dont know why my co mputer dont say problems od dll and i install all the programs what to do
Top Two (and a fraction) Probable Reasons Your MMD Doesn’t Run
if u installed directX and the microsoft thingies, and your system is compatable (for example, if your pc is 32-bit then you can’t use the 64x ver of mmd), then you might have not unblocked the zip before extracting, because it gives missing dll file errors. just re-download the zip file, right click it, go to properties and click unblock, click ok, then extract it. if that’s not the problem , i dunno.
Is there not the very first version available? Like without physics and no English option? That’s the one I’m looking for.
Check out the VPVP page… Back in 2011, the section they called 1.3 was the latest version: MMD 7.39… the first DirectX version… and at that time you could go onto the Japanese version of that home page and download the Japanese version of 7.39… and then in mid-2013, 7.94 came out for a couple of weeks, and old 7.39 was gone from that page. … older versions are still available from that VPVP page as section 1.1 (Choreography tool) and 1.2 (Multi Model Edition) … but I expect those are very primitive… from the pre-DirectX days. … … What is your interest? … Why are you looking for the older versions? … Just wondering… always interested to know what MMDers are thinking about…
Just take the “e” out of the VPVP link to get the Japanese version of that page. … maybe that will help you… … ?
— Reggie
Each version of MMD isnt able to be opened (ive tried each one) the only one I can open is the MikuMikuDanceE_v739dot one only because it has a second file of it with the same things, the computer I have is a windows 10 and I’m able to do the trick involving using a past C++ windows libraries because my computer is refusing me the ability to install the previous version
Wow… you have put in a lot of effort! … Your issue seems unique… and so I believe the issue is with your System. Those C++ and that DirectX runtime are required by MMD… required. … and they are designed to be accepted by your computer and they load and run alongside the software of your system. I have seen messages from my computer: “You already have a newer version installed. Continue?” and I click to continue. Have you seen my “Success with Windows 10” story?
Describe the make and model of your computer… and do you know if it uses “integrated graphics” or if there is a “graphics card”?
Amo esto pues porque es de bailes
อยากได้ที่ทำ mmd มาก แต่ไม่รู้ว่าทำยังไง
I want to do mmd a lot, but do not know what to do.